Şakayık Çiçeği Bakımı

Şakayık bitkisi; basit veya katmerli beyaz ,pembe, kırmızı renklerde çiçek veren çok güzel bir süs bitkisidir. Genelde bahçe peyzajı için çok sık kullanılır. Dayanıklı bir bitki olarak bilinir. Bu özelliği sayesinde bahçelerde sık tercih edilen bitkilerdendir. 
Katmerli rengarenk çiçekleri vardır. Nisan ayından başlayıp haziran sonlarına kadar çiçeklenebilme özelliğine sahip. 

Şakayık Çiçeğinin Toprak İsteği:

Şakayık bitkisi toprak olarak humus bakımından zengin topraklarda güzel gelişim gösteriyor. Eğer evde saksıda yetiştiriciliğini yapacaksanız humus bakımından zengin toprak seçimi yapmalısınız. Ayrıca saksı drenajını da iyi yapmanız gerekmekte. Toprak karakteri olarak nemli toprakları sever. Toprağının aşırıya kaçmadan nemli kalmasını sağlarsanız bitkinizin gelişimi iyi olacaktır. 
Bahçede yetiştiriciliğini yapacaksanız yine nemli, humus bakımından zengin toprak seçimi yapın. Toprağına yaprak ve odun çürüntüsü bulup ekleyebilirseniz toprağınız humus bakımından zenginleşecektir. 
Şakayık Yetiştiriciliği
Şakayık Çiçeği

Şakayık Bakımı ve Su İsteği:

  • Sıcak ve ılıman iklimlerden hoşlanır. Güneşli yerleri sever.
  • Gayet yavaş büyürler. 
  • Yüksekliği genellikle 1 m civarında olur.
  • Şakayık çiçeğinin kökü ve yaprakları ilaç olarak kullanılır.
  • 3 günde bir belirli ölçekte ve aynı saatlerde su verilmesi gerekir. Sulamasını geciktirmemeye özen gösterilmelidir. Eğer saksıda yetiştiriyorsanız zamanında ve aynı ölçekte su kullanmaya özen gösterin.
  • Yaz aylarında daha sık sulama yaparken kış aylarında toprak nemine bakarak sulama yapmalısınız. Bunu anlamak için parmağınızı saksı toprağına batırın eğer nem oranı azalmışsa sulamasını yapabilirsiniz. Bitkilerin kışın su ihtiyaçları az olacağından aşırı sulama yapmamaya özen gösterin. Aksi halde bitkinizin kökleri aşırı sudan çürümeye başlayacaktır. 
  • Soğuğu pek sevmeyen bir bitkidir. Bu yüzden evde oda sıcaklığında yetiştiriciliğini yapmalısınız. Güneşi seven bir bitki türüdür şakayık. Bu nedenle özellikle kış aylarında güneş alan yerlerde bulundurmanız gerekiyor. Aşırı soğuk ve aşırı sıcak ortamlardan da korumanız gerekiyor. 
  • Şakayık Çiçeği İstekleri
    Şakayık Bakımı

Şakayık Çiçeği Nasıl Çoğaltılır?

Şakayık çoğaltmak için en güzel yöntem aşılanmış, yumrulu şakayık çiçekleri tercih etmektir.
Tohum ve kalem aşı yöntemleri ile çoğaltılabilir. Tohumla üretim yalınkat çeşitlerde kullanılır. Ancak tohumla üretimde bitkinin büyüme hızı oldukça yavaştır ve 2 yılın sonunda çiçek açarlar. İlkbaharda soğuk yastıklara ekilirler. Tohumlar eğer birkaç yıllık ise birkaç saat suda bekletilmelidir sert kabuklarının yumuşaması için.

Soğanlı Bitkiler Nelerdir

  • SÜSEN 
  • LALE
  • GALA
Yukarıda ismi yazılı olan bitkiler soğanlı olarak yetiştirilebilen bitkilerdir.

Küpe Çiçeği Yetiştiriciliği

Küpe çiçeği ; çiçekleri aşağı dönük çok hoş kokuya sahip güzel bir süs bitkisidir. Adını da zaten şeklinden almıştır. Çiçekleri aşağı doğru sarkık ve küpe gibidir.

Çok yıllık bir süs bitkisidir. Genellikle saksılarda , açık havada yetişir. Bu bitki içeri alınmamalıdır. Hava şartları ne olursa olsun içeri alınmamalıdır. Eğer hava çok çok soğuksa ısı sıfırın altına düşmüşse kısa bir süreliğine alabilirsiniz ancak kesinlikle sıcak bir yere almayınız.

Bahar gelince budamasını güzelce yaparsanız , toprağını yadırgamayacağı saksıya dikerseniz size en güzel çiçeklerini sunacaktır.

Özellikle balkonlarda çok güzel duran bir bitkidir. 15 metreye kadar boylanabilir. Sıcaklığı sevmeyen bir bitkidir. O yüzden ülkemizde yetiştiriciliği biraz daha zor olmaktadır. Çok yıllık bir bitkidir. Kırmızı, mor, beyaz ve pembe renkte çiçekler açar. 

Küpe Çiçeği Bakımı ve Yetiştiriciliği
Küpe Çiçeği Bakımı ve İstekleri
Foto kaynağı: https://blog.ciceksepeti.com/kupe-cicegi/

Küpe Çiçeği Bakımı

Öncelikle, bu bitkinin bir dış mekan bitkisi olduğunu bilmelisiniz. Aşırı sıcak yerleri hiç sevmez. Açık havada kızgın güneş altında yaşayabilir, çiçek açabilir ama eğer balkonda yetiştiriyorsanız çok sıcak zamanlarda rüzgara açık bir yerde bulundurun. Sık sık yapraklarını ıslatın. Aksi takdirde ölür. Evde yaşamaz. İlle evde olsun istiyorsanız bu mümkün değildir. Zaman zaman en fazla bir günlüğüne ev içinde misafir edebilirsiniz. Yarı gölgeli ve serin açık hava mekanları en sağlıklı gelişeceği yerlerdir.

Küpe çiçeği havalar soğumaya başlayınca içeri alınır. Camekanlı bir balkon, bitkinin kışı sağlıkla geçirmesine yetecektir. Kış sonuna doğru küpe çiçeği derince budanır ve saksı değiştirilir. Çelikleri ayrı saksılara dikilerek yeni bitkiler elde edilebilir.


ISI: Küpe çiçeği kış aylarında 12-15 derecede tutulmalıdır. Aşırı sıcakları da hiç sevmeyen bir bitkidir. 

IŞIK: Küpe çiçekleri güneşten uzak aydınlık bir yer ister. Yarı gölgelik alanları daha çok sever. 

SULAMA: İlkbahardan sonbahara kadar toprağı daima nemli olmalıdır. Kışın çok az sulayın. Kışın aşırı sulamadan kaçınmanız gerekir. Kışın toprağına bakıp sulama yapın. Toprak yüzeyi kurumuşsa sulamasını yapmalısınız. Aşırı sulama meydana gelirse çiçekleri dökülmeye başlayacaktır. 

NEM: Yazın yapraklarına ara sıra su püskürtün. Bu bitkinizin nem ihtiyacını karşılamasını sağlayacaktır. 

Küpe Çiçeği Ekolojik İstekleri

Foto kaynağı: https://www.cicekal.net/blog/kupe-cicegi-bakimi/

Küpe Çiçeği Yetiştirilmesi

Her türlü toprakta yetişebilir. Ama gübre katsanız bile yıllarca saksılarda kullanılan aynı toprak iyi değildir. Toprağın drenajının iyi olması gerekir. Saksıda yetiştiriyorsanız saksının altında drenaj deliklerinin olmasına dikkat ediniz. Aksi halde sulama yaptığınızda fazlalık su bitkinin köklerine zarar verecektir. Gevşek yapılı toprak seçimi yaparsanız bitkinizin kök gelişimi de daha iyi olacaktır. 

Musluk suyuyla sulana sulana içinde zararlı maddeler artar. Açık hava süs bitkileri genelde toprak seçmez. Gıdalarında güneş en önemli unsurdur. Küpe çiçeği gibi bazı bitkiler her ne kadar az güneş istese de tamamen güneşsiz kalınca gıdasız da kalırlar. Yanına bir sopa dikerek dallarını bağlamalısınız. Yoksa dallar çiçekleri taşıyamayacağından aşağı doğru eğilirler. Bu özelliğinden dolayı saksıyı yüksekçe bir yere koyarak dalları aşağı sarkık gelişecek şekilde yetiştirenler de vardır.

Küpe Çiçeği Üretilmesi

Yan dallarından alacağınız çok eski olmayan sağlıklı, canlı bir dalı direkt toprağa dikin. Buna daldırma usulü veya çelik ile üretme denir. Açık havada gölgeli bir yerde barındırın. Gelişmeye başlasa bile yeterince köklenmemiştir. Dalı diktikten sonra uzunca bir müddet, hatta gelişmeye başladıktan sonra bir iki hafta hiç el sürmeyin. Genelde zor tutar. Tuttuğundan emin olunca daha güneşli bir yere alın. Çiçekleri kolay kolay tohum vermez. Tohum oluşursa tohumla da çoğaltabilirsiniz.

How to Grow Delphinium

How to Grow Delphiniums

Delphiniums are tall, enchanting blooms with a unique form that come in many vibrant colours. They have become a permanent cottage fixture in England, and it is no wonder since they have been hand-pollinated and carefully selected for quality and flare in England since the early 20th Century. Another name for Delphinium is "Larkspur". These beautiful blooms add a touch of grace to any garden and make a wonderful bouquet of cut flowers that will last about seven days in a vase.

Delphiniums are often six to eight feet tall, but also come in dwarf varieties of about two feet tall. Dark green foliage is topped with upright, showy flowers. They have bold blooms of the three primary colours-red, blue, and yellow, as well as many blends and combinations. The flower itself has five sepals with three or four petals in the middle (commonly called "a bee"). Biennial and annual delphiniums are available, although perennials are the most common. Delphiniums prefer moist, cool places and blooming occurs in late spring.

delphspires (9K)

Planting Delphiniums

Delphiniums grow best in full sun (six hours a day) away from wind, a like a lot of water in the summer. Be sure to plant in the spring. They can be grown in most soils with good drainage as long as it is fertile and nutrient rich.

Be careful when choosing a spot for delphiniums, as they are not easily moved.

Start with a good, fertile flowerbed and dig a hole twice the size of the plant pot and work in some bonemeal. Place the plant in the hole so the foliage is at ground level and recover with dirt, making sure the plant is positioned firmly. Water immediately and then daily until the plant has settled in.

Delphiniums should never be dry. Mulching may help retain water. Place delphiniums one to three feet apart.

Staking Delphiniums

You will need four bamboo cranes about four feet high for each plant, and some twine. You will find that many bamboo cranes will blend in with the colour of the stems. Make sure your delphiniums are thinned at least two feet high. Insert four bamboo cranes around the plant to form a square. Make the first tie about a foot off the ground to the stem of the plant. It is crucial to tie the stems, and not the tower of flowers. Make the second tie just below the flower spike, about two feet from the ground. If done properly, staking should not be obvious.

Delphinium Cultivation Tips

  • Pitfalls of germinating seeds include soaking the soil too much, attempting to grow old seeds, and planting the seed too deeply.
  • Delphi-magicfountainmed (2K)
  • Thinning delphiniums annually is a must or the plant will exhaust itself blooming.
  • Cut all foliage and stems to ground level in the fall.
  • Slugs, snails and caterpillars love to feast on delphiniums. Try a bait, pick them off, or try sprinkling with cayenne pepper or cayenne pepper tea after every rainfall to deter them.
  • Remove hollow staking canes over winter so that pests can't live in them until spring.
  • Make sure your soil has good drainage because waterlogged soils will cause the crowns to rot away.
  • In the spring, apply some well-rotted compost around the plant followed by a layer of mulch. Alternatively, simply apply a well-balanced fertilizer.
  • After the first frost you may want to cut the stems back about two inches above ground level.
  • Divide mature and established plants every three years in the springtime.
  • Planting delphiniums in groups of three will be eye pleasing. Keep the groups two feet apart.

How to grow Glads

A glad, by any other name, is a spectacular, showy flower grown extensively in the home garden. Here in rural southwestern Ontario the Mennonites and Amish add long rows of glads to their kitchen gardens. The gladioli are cut in full bloom, in August or September, stacked in a bucket of cool well water, and offered for sale on the honor system at the end of the farm lane. As you drive by, the country road is like a fine art painting splashed by vibrant streaks of color, with bunches of tall stemmed gladioli in vivid reds, yellows and purples, or delicate pastels, decorating the entrance to every farm.

Growing glads can be a bit tricky in northern climes, where frost dates dictate when to plant the corms and when to pull them up again in the fall - but these gorgeous blooms are well worth the extra attention.

Stagger your plantings, setting out groups of corms two weeks apart to extend the growing and cutting season of these glorious flowers.

glad (14K)

Beginners Guide To Planting Gladiolas

by Lee Dobbins

When to Plant

Planting Gladiolas is a popular gardening project. The beautiful summer bulbs are colorful and brighten up any garden. However, they are not just for gardens, they also work great for a bouquet of flowers for your home or even a gift. Gladiolas require a great deal of care and a keen watchful eye.

gladcorms (19K) Gladiolas thrive when specific conditions are met. They love humidity and warmer regions. They require consistent water and a well-tilled, rich soil. When should you plant gladiolas? Well, it depends on where you live. Check the package of your corm bulb and determine which zone you live in. Typically, when planting gladiolas, you plant the corm bulbs during the spring season, when any threat of frost has passed.

Gladiolas are extremely sensitive to any type of frost. Therefore, planting should wait until frost has passed and if you live in an area in which frost is a regular occurance, you will need to dig up the bulbs during the fall months, before the first frost, and store them in your home. For warmer, frost-free areas of the world, you can leave your gladiolas in the ground during the winter months.

glad3 (6K)Where to plant

You want to make sure that you choose an area of your yard that receives maximum sunlight. Full sun is best, however, if you cannot get away from a partial shade, your gladiolas will still grow. When determining which area of your yard to plant in, make sure the soil is moist, but with good drainage.

When planting several gladiolas at once, ensure that you leave about four to six inches of space between corm bulbs. The more space you give your plant the bigger your plant will grow, giving you awesome gladiolas during the summer.

Care and Information

glad2 (25K)You can expect to start seeing blooms in about three months or less after planting the corms. Your stems may need some support during the growth period, therefore, you may want to consider staking them up to keep them perky and tall.

Gladiolas come in a variety of colors and you can generally expect blooms between July and September each year. They have an average height of anywhere from forty to sixty inches and are perfect for use in your home, cut flowers, or even as borders around your home or landscape.

Cultivation of Gardenia

Gardenia is a genus of 142 species of flowering plants in the coffee family, Rubiaceae, native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, southern Asia, Australasia and Oceania. Several species occur on Hawaii, where gardenias are known as naʻu or nānū.
The genus was named by Carl Linnaeus after Dr. Alexander Garden (1730-1791), a Scottish-born American naturalist.
They are evergreen shrubs and small trees growing to 1–15 metres (3.3–49 ft) tall. The leaves are opposite or in whorls of three or four, 5–50 centimetres (2.0–20 in) long and 3–25 centimetres (1.2–9.8 in) broad, dark green and glossy with a leathery texture. The flowers are solitary or in small clusters, white, or pale yellow, with a tubular-based corolla with 5-12 lobes (petals) from 5–12 centimetres (2.0–4.7 in) diameter. Flowering is from about mid-spring to mid-summer and many species are strongly scented.
Gardenia plants are prized for the strong sweet scent of their flowers, which can be very large in some species.
Gardenia jasminoides (syn. G. grandiflora, G. Florida) is cultivated as a house plant. This species can be difficult to grow because it originated in warm humid tropical areas. It demands high humidity to thrive and bright (not direct) light. It flourishes in acidic soils with good drainage and thrives on [68-74 F temperatures (20-23 C)] during the day and 60 F (15-16 C) in the evening. Potting soils developed especially for gardenias are available. G. jasminoides grows no larger than 18 inches in height and width when grown indoors. In climates where it can be grown outdoors, it can attain a height of 6 feet. If water hits the flowers, they will turn brown. 
In Japan and China, Gardenia jasminoides is called Kuchinashi (Japanese) and Zhi zi (Chinese 梔子); the bloom is used as a yellow dye, which is used for clothes and food (including the Korean mung bean jelly called hwangpomuk).
In France, decades ago, Gardenia was the traditional flower which men wore sometimes as boutonnières on special occasions.
It is the national flower of Pakistan.
Jazz singer Billie Holiday was known to wear gardenias in her hair, one of her most noticeable features. She called them her trademark.
Crocetin is a chemical compound found in gardenia fruit (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis). In high concentrations, it has protective effects against retinal damage in vitro and in vivo.

Flower Meanings

AlstroemeriaFlower Meaning Alstroemeria flower is symbolic of wealth, prosperity and fortune. It is also the flower of friendship.View Collection

Flower Meaning Amaryllis This flower is symbolic of splendid beauty. It is also used to indicate worth beyond beauty.Collection currently not available
Anemone Flower

Meaning Anemone on a darker note indicates fading hope and a feeling of having been forsaken. On a positive note it symbolizes anticipation.Collection currently not available

Flower Meaning Anthurium symbolizes hospitality. It is also used to indicate happiness and abundance. Collection currently not available
Aster Flower

Meaning Aster symbolizes patience. It is also indicative of a love of variety. It also symbolizes elegance and daintiness.Collection currently not available

of Paradise Flower Meaning Bird of Paradise symbolizes joyfulness. It also symbolizes magnificence. It can also be used to indicate exciting and wonderful anticipation. View Collection
Bouvardia, Double Flower Meaning Bouvardia,Double symbolizes enthusiasm. It is also used to indicate zest for life. Collection currently not available
cala-lily Calla Lily symbolizes magnificence and beauty. White Calla lilies combine these two attributes with purity and innocence associated with the color white to make it the perfect choice of flower in a Wedding bouquet.View Collection

Flower Meaning Carnation symbolizes pride and beauty. A red carnation symbolizes love, pride and admiration; a pink carnation symbolizes the love of a woman or a mother; a purple carnation symbolizes capriciousness; a yellow carnation symbolizes disdain, rejection or disappointment; while a white carnation symbolizes innocence and pure love. A striped carnation conveys refusal. View Collection
Chrysanthemum, Standard Flower Meaning Chrysanthemum symbolizes fidelity, optimism, joy and long life. A red chrysanthemum conveys love; a white chrysanthemum symbolizes truth and loyal love while a yellow chrysanthemum symbolizes slighted love. View Collection
Daffodil Flower

Meaning Daffodil symbolizes regard and chivalry. It is indicative of rebirth, new beginnings and eternal life. It also symbolizes unrequited love. A single daffodil foretells a misfortune while a bunch of daffodils indicate joy and happiness. Collection currently not available
daisy Daisy symbolizes innocence and purity. It conveys loyal love and “I will never tell”. Gerbera Daisy specifically conveys cheerfulness.View Collection
Delphinium, Hybrid Flower Meaning Delphinium, Hybrid symbolizes big-heartedness, fun, lightness and levity. It also indicates ardent attachment. Collection currently not available
Freesia Flower

Meaning Freesia symbolizes symbolizes innocence and thoughtfulness. Collection currently not available
gardenia Gardenia symbolizes purity and sweetness. They indicate secret love. They convey joy. They tell the receiver you are lovely. View Collection
gerbera Gerbera belongs to the daisy family and therefore assumes the symbolism associated with the daisy flower. Gerbera specifically conveys cheerfulness. View Collection

Flower Meaning Gladiolus symbolizes strength of character, faithfulness and honor. The Gladiolus flower signifies remembrance. View Collection
Heather Heather Lavender symbolizes admiration, solitude and beauty while white heather symbolizes protection and indicates that wishes will come true. Collection currently not available
Hyacinth Flower

MeaningHyacinth symbolizes playfulness and a sporty attitude and in its extreme rashness. Hyacinths also denote constancy. Blue hyacinth stands for constancy, purple for sorrow, red or pink for play, white for loveliness and yellow for jealousy.Collection currently not available

Flower MeaningHydrangea symbolizes heartfelt emotions. It can be used to express gratitude for being understood. In its negative sense hydrangea symbolizes frigidity and heartlessness.Collection currently not available
Iris Flower

Meaning Iris symbolizes eloquence. Purple iris is symbolic of wisdom and compliments. Blue iris symbolizes faith and hope. Yellow iris symbolizes passion while white iris symbolizes purity.View Collection
Larkspur Flower

MeaningLarkspur symbolizes levity or lightness. It is also indicative of fickleness and haughtiness.Collection currently not available
Lilac Flower

Meaning Lilac symbolizes youthful innocence and confidence. White lilac symbolizes humility and innocence, field lilac symbolizes charity while purple lilac symbolizes first love.Collection currently not available

Oriental Flower Meaning Lily symbolizes purity and refined beauty. White lily symbolizes modesty and virginity, orange lily symbolizes passion, yellow lily symbolizes gaiety while Lily of the valley symbolizes sweetness and purity of heart. The Easter lily is the symbol of Virgin Mary.

Dendrobium Flower MeaningOrchidis a symbol of the exotic beauty. It symbolizes refinement, thoughtfulness and mature charm. It also symbolizes proud and glorious femininity. Collection currently not available
Peony Flower

Meaning Peony symbolizes bashfulness and compassion. It can also be used to express indignation or shame. It symbolizes a happy life happy marriage, good health and prosperity.View Collection
Protea, King

Flower MeaningProtea, King stands for change and transformation. It signifies daring and resourcefulness. It is symbolic of diversity and courage.Collection currently not available

Anne's Lace Flower MeaningQueen Anne's Lace symbolizes a haven or sanctuary. It signifies complexity and delicateness.Collection currently not available

Flower MeaningRanunculus symbolizes radiant charm. It conveys a message that you are radiant with charm/ you are attractive. Collection currently not available
Rose Flower

Meaning Rose symbolizes love. It signifies love in its various forms. Its symbolism varies based on color, variety and number.View Collection

Flower MeaningSnapdragon symbolizes graciousness and strength. Its negative connotations include deception and presumption.Collection currently not available
Statice Flower

MeaningStatice is symbolic of remembrance. It also symbolizes sympathy and success.Collection currently not available
Stock Flower

MeaningStock symbolizes lasting beauty and happy life. It is indicative of bonds of affection and is symbolic of promptness.Collection currently not available

Flower Meaning Sunflower signifies pure thoughts. It symbolizes adoration and dedication. It is symbolic of dedicated love. It is however also symbolic of haughtiness.Collection currently not available
Sweet Pea

Flower MeaningSweet Pea indicates delicate pleasure and bliss. It is a flower symbolic of departure after having had a good time.Collection currently not available
Tulip Flower

Meaning Tulip signifies a declaration of love. It also symbolizes fame and perfect love. Collection currently not available
View Collection

Carnation Flower

About Carnation Flower and Plant

The single flowers of the Carnations species, Dianthus caryophyllus have 5 petals and vary from white to pink to purple in color. Border Carnation cultivars may have double flowers with as many as 40 petals.
When grown in gardens, Carnations grow to between 6 and 8.5 cm in diameter. Petals on Carnations are generally clawed or serrated.
Carnations are bisexual flowers and bloom simply or in a branched or forked cluster. The stamens on Carnations can occur in one or two whorls, in equal number or twice the number of the petals.
The Carnation leaves are narrow and stalkless and their colour varies from green to grey-blue or purple. Carnations grow big, full blooms on strong, straight stems.

Types of Carnations

Carnation cultivars are mainly of three types:
  • Large flowered Carnations - one large flower per stem.
  • Spray Carnations (Mini Carnations) - with lots of smaller flowers .
  • Dwarf flowered Carnations - several small flowers on one stem.

Growing Carnations

  • Carnations grow readily from cuttings made of the suckers that form around the base of the stem, the side shoots of the flowering stem, or the main shoots before they show flower-buds.
  • The cuttings from the base make the best plants in most cases.
  • These cuttings may be taken from a plant at any time through the fall or winter, rooted in sand and potted up.
  • They may be put in pots until the planting out time in the spring, which is usually in April, or any time when the ground is ready to handle.
  • The soil should be deep friable and sandy loam.

Carnation Plant Care

  • Carnations need some hours of full sun each day and should be kept moist.
  • Avoid over-watering as it may tend to turn the foliage yellow.
  • Spent flowers should be removed promptly to promote continued blooming.
  • Quality of the bloom rests on the soil and irrigation aspects for growing carnations.
  • Those who grow carnations should know the importance of pinching, stopping and disbudding.
  • At the time of plucking the carnations, leave three to four nodes at the base and remove the stem.
  • The plant foliage should not be exposed to the direct heat of a stove or the sun.

Growing lilies

Lilies of different kinds are commonly found all across the globe. Lilies come in different shapes, sizes and colors.
Lilies are really excellent plants for beds and borders. Lilies are suitable for use in a shrub border, as accent plants, a formal or naturalized pool planting. Even some of the small species would fit perfectly in an alpine rock garden.
The Lily flower symbolizes purity and refined beauty. Based on the colour or type, the Lily flower can convey different meanings.
Colour/Type of Lily Symbolic Meaning
White lily modesty and virginity
orange lily passion
yellow lily gaiety
Lily of the valley sweetness and purity of heart
Easter lily symbol of Virgin Mary
Due to its regal beauty and the variety in color and type that can symbolise a variety of meanings, Lilies are also popular flowers for gifting purposes. Among the flower bouquets of lilies, stargazer and cassablanca lily bouquets are the most sought after floral bouquets. Besides bouquets, lily bulbs as well as potted lily plants are also popular gifts.

Some Interesting Facts about Lilies

  • Lilies are one of the most beautiful, and graceful of all summer-blooming flowers.
  • Lilies belong to the Lilium genus consisting of less than 100 known species, occurring in all parts of the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Lilium, the genus, is the Latin form of the Greek word 'Lerion' for the Madonna Lily.
  • Red lily was first described by the famous Swedish botanist Carl von Linne (Linnaeus) in 1753.
  • Lilies are believed to have been under cultivation longer than any other ornamental flower, having existed in gardens 3,000 years ago.Floral designs, particularly of Lilies, made their appearance and became very popular in the 18th dynasty of Egypt.
  • Madonna lily (Lilium candidum) is the archetypal flower symbolising purity. The association of Madonna Lily with the Virgin Mary dates back to an early Christian legend, in which her tomb was filled with Lilies after her assumption into heaven.

What are True Lilies?

There are many kinds of flowers, which have been called "Lilies", but many of these so-called Lilies such as the day-lily, water-lily, and arum-lily, actually belong to other groups of flowering plants.
Plants in the Liliales grow from Bulbs, or Corms, both of which will store food over the winter or during the dry season. Unlike other Liliales, these vines produce their flowers in spherical clusters called Umbels, as in Bomarea.
True Lilies are composed of fleshy scales without a protective outer coating. True Lilies are never dormant.

Varieties in Lily

There are numerous Lily varieties. But, among the Lily varieties , only groups like the Asiatics and Orientals are the most popular flowers and widely grown.
  • Asiatic Lilies - small flowers, less fragrant, wide colors
  • Trumpet/Aurelian Lilies
  • Oriental Lilies - Have strong fragrances, few colors,larger, flowers
  • The Wild Lilies
  • Martagon hybrid Lilies - Edible and Esculent herbs
  • Candidum hybrid Lilies
  • American hybrids Lilies
  • Longiflorum hybrid Lilies - strong, sweet fragrance, large funnel shaped flowers, usually white. 
  • Growing Lilies

    Lilies are propagated mainly by means of Bulbs. They are also grown from seeds, scales, bulbils and bulblets. One can buy lily bulbs online or from a local bulb vendor.
    Although the lilies grown from seeds are more disease resistant, the only disadvantage with growing lilies from seeds is that the lily plants take a longer time to bloom, may be, in some cases, even five to six years. Hence, bulbs are very much preferred to grow lilies.
  • Lilies are usually planted during fall or spring in the garden.
  • Lilies can also be grown in containers or in outdoors.
  • A cool, porous and well drained soil is essential for good growth of lilies.
  • Adding large amounts of organic matter will improve clay or sandy soils. The bulbs will stay in place for several years, so good bed preparation is an investment for the future.
  • The ideal location will for Lilies provides direct sun all morning during the summer, with partial shade during hot afternoon hours.
  • When selecting bulbs, be sure they do not look dry or shrivel, and plant them immediately.
  • Proper spacing usually is 12 to 18 inches apart, but it varies according to the variety selected.
  • As soon as the soil has become consistently warm during late spring, apply a 3-inch layer of organic mulch around the plants. The mulch will conserve soil moisture and keep the soil (and bulbs) from becoming too hot during the summer.

Lilies Plant Care

  • Lilies do not require daily watering, but when watering, be sure to water deeply enough to reach the bulb.
  • Feed the plants with a balanced fertilizer every few weeks during the growing season. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Remove seedpods when they appear.
  • Also, remove stems and foliage when leaves become yellow.
  • Mulch should be removed in late fall.
  • Keep lilies blooming by removing blossoms as they fade. This prevents the plant from expending its energy in producing seed.
Lilies: A Guide for Growers and Collectorsis a complete book on Lilies geared towards experienced gardeners, horticulturists, and botanists. McRae provides techniques for hybridizing and explains the biology of the lily plant in detail. It is a must have book for lily lovers. You can gift this book on lilies to family members or friends who love Lilies or gardening in general.


A few flowers and plants, when properly taken care of, are ornamental to
the windows of a parlor, or sitting room; and will repay the care that
is bestowed on them. Begin with a few that are easy to cultivate, and
you will probably succeed. Persons that are fond of flowers, and have
collected a number, are generally willing to give their young friends a
few plants; and where we succeed in raising a fine plant from a slip, or
cutting, we value it more than one that has been purchased at a
green-house. Geraniums, cactus', wax plants, cape and catalonian
jessamines, and some others, are easily cultivated in a parlor. Roses,
camelias, and azaleas bloom best in a moderate temperature, as the heat
of a parlor (unless very large) dries the buds, and prevents their
coming to perfection. I have known these to bloom beautifully in a room
that was very slightly heated--either over one in which there was fire,
or in an apartment next a stove room. If the weather is very cold, they
should be removed to a warmer room, until it moderates. The windows that
are open to the south are best. When the blossoms have matured, you can
bring them to the parlor; but if there is much heat, they will not
remain perfect so long as in a moderate room.

Roses are sometimes troubled with insects, which should be brushed off
with a feather, and the plants washed with a decoction of tobacco, (not
too strong,) they will not bloom when thus infested. There is another
insect that fastens itself to the bark of lemon trees, and other plants;
frequent washing with soap suds and brushing the sterns, removes it, and
some times wash the leaves with a sponge, when the weather is too cold
to put them out of doors. Setting them out in a warm rain, or watering
them well all over the foliage, is very reviving to plants. Be careful
to have pieces of old broken earthen-ware at the bottom of each pot, to
drain them, or the plants will not thrive. The earth should be sometimes
removed, and an occasional re-potting, is an advantage; being careful
not to disturb the roots. A mixture of charcoal and sand, and rich earth
of more than one kind is thought best. Earth fresh from the woods is
good for pot-plants, as well as borders, but should always be mixed with
a stronger soil. Roses that are planted round a house, should have a
deep and rich soil made for them, and they will then bloom beautifully
all the season.

Pot plants should in summer be placed in a situation where they wilt not
be exposed to intense heat. Some persons place their pots in the earth
on the north side of the house; others keep them in a porch where they
can get some sun. They require much more water in summer. The wax plant
blooms beautifully in summer, and should be kept in a sheltered
situation, not exposed to the wind; it should have a strong frame of
wood and wire to run on, well secured in a tub or box. Hyacinths and
crocuses should be planted in pots, boxes, or small tubs, in rich earth,
in October or November; a small painted tub is very suitable, and will
hold a dozen hyacinths, and as many crocus roots. The most beautiful I
ever saw in a window, were planted in this way, by keeping some in the
sun, and others in the shade you can have a succession of blooms, they
are also pretty in root glasses, but this plan will exhaust the roots.
After blooming in the house, they should be planted in the garden. The
same roots will not answer the next year for parlor culture, they
increase very fast in the garden by proper care.

Types Of Roses

Climbing Roses

Climbers and ramblers are distinctive in that they grow very long, pliable canes. That's the only thing that sets this variety apart. Some bloom once in a season while others bloom continuously. The type of flower created by climbing roses varies as greatly as the whole family of roses, with some being very small while others are large. Some have just a few petals while others have several. The only thing they have in common is their ability to cover fences and walls, adding vertical beauty to any garden. They can be trimmed back in areas with very cold winters. These roses are not recommended for areas below zone 6. If you're in one of the colder zones, plant your climbing roses in a container that you can bring indoors, or plan to wrap insulate them in the winter. Wait until the ground has thawed and new leaf buds begin to open before fertilizing.

Antique Roses

Although hybridization and cross-breeding are natural occurrences, it is generally agreed that all roses grown before 1867--when the first hybrids were accepted, named and acknowledged by science--are officially "old garden roses." Also called heirloom roses, this family of roses includes wild roses, the ancestors of all rose cultivars. Old garden roses don't require heavy pruning, but after they've reached 3 years old, they can tolerate it. Enthusiasts recommend gentle pruning throughout the growing season, including the removal of dead flower heads, diseased branches, small branches or branches that are growing in the wrong direction, crossing the main stem.


If you suspect this word is a combination of "abundant" and "floral" then you might be on to something. These hybrid rose bushes bloom in clusters nonstop throughout the flowering season. These roses do well in wet climates, but some varieties don't handle winters well. To encourage more blooms, trim off the dead flower heads periodically. Fertilize frequently throughout the growing season and avoid a hard pruning. If you live in an area with very cold winters, pay attention to the zoning advice for your floribunda variety, some aren't as cold-hardy as others.

Hybrid Teas

The hybrid tea, also called the modern rose, is agreed to be the first deliberate cross-breed of roses. Found naturally occurring through Europe, they didn't gain much attention until Henry Bennett, an English farmer, deliberately bred them through artificial cross-pollination and presented them to the public. Hybrid teas take on characteristics of the tea rose, generally an abundance of petals, buds that bloom in bunches and a profuse blooming period, with characteristics of other roses, depending upon how they're bred. The high center of the flower head and the presence of sprays of flowers is typical of a hybrid tea. Most varieties are very fragrant, low-growing and winter hardy. The old garden teas have stalks that sometimes can't hold the weight of the flowers, resulting in droopy blooms. One of the "selling points" of these early hybrids was that the stems were strong.


Often mistakenly called tea roses, the polyanthas are small rose bushes with bunches of tiny flowers. Most of these are in shades of pink and red, but white, yellow and orange polyanthas have been introduced. The polyantha family is a hybrid, with new varieties still being introduced. Since there are over 500 varieties of polyantha, the care instructions vary greatly. Generally, they do not require pruning and are winter hardy. Check your specific variety, however, and be aware of your growing zone.

Miniature Roses

Miniatures, roses with smaller flowers, generally grow shorter than other varieties, usually 12 to 36 inches tall, making them ideal for the edge of the garden or under a window. Some are climbing and can be grown as ground cover or trained to a low fence or wall. They do not require pruning, but clipping spent flower heads will encourage a longer blooming season. They grow well in pots. They are cold-hardy, making them an excellent choice for colder climates. To make matters more confusing, some varieties of miniatures, like the Hurdy Gurdy, a climber, can grow very tall. Kitty Belendez, of the Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society, has one that's reached a height of over 8 feet tall. She states that miniatures are the easiest rose to grow because they require very little care. They generally need lots of sunshine, one hard pruning before the winter and periodic deadheading. If you wish to fertilize, make sure that the soil is wet . Repot miniature roses as needed if they're not planted in the ground.

Rose Plant Diseases


A beautiful garden full of fragrant, colorful, healthy roses is the goal of many gardeners. Rose plants are affected by many diseases, but fungal diseases tend to be the most prevalent. Knowledge of prevention and treatment methods can help mitigate the damage they do. Plan in advance to prevent and contain diseases and enjoy the bounty of blooms.

Types of Diseases

The three types of diseases most likely to occur are black spot, mildew and rust. Black spot is a fungus that attacks the plant. It is easy to see, as it leaves black spots on the leaves. The spots become larger as the fungus develops. Leaves turn yellow and will fall off the plant as the disease worsens. Mildew is another fungal disease that is common on rose bushes. It will appear as a white, powdery dust on the leaves of the plant. The leaves will begin to crinkle and mold will appear and then spread in fine filaments to the other parts of the plant. Rust is also a fungus. It appears as small rust-colored spots on the undersides of leaves. Streaky rust-colored lines may also appear on young stalks. After awhile, spots turn black and leaves fall off.

Disease Conditions

Blackspot is typically a problem during warm, wet weather. It takes seven hours for the fungus to germinate, and if temperatures and conditions last that long, it may take hold. Mildew appears during hot, dry weather with cool, wet nights. Gardens where conditions are damp and shady are susceptible to mildew. Spores need three hours of moisture to germinate. Rust is predominately present west of the Rocky Mountains. It requires cool, wet weather and grows particularly well in foggy, misty conditions. Four hours of these conditions enable rust to germinate and begin to grow on the plant.


To prevent black spot, spray rose plants with a fungicidal soap and sulfur while they are still dormant. Spores cannot germinate underneath the film of sulfur. You will need to re-spray the plants frequently, as the sulfur and soap will wash off in the rain. Another way to prevent black spot, is to avoid watering the leaves of the plant; aim the hose at the roots instead. Place rose bushes at least three feet apart to allow plenty of ventilation. To prevent mildew, keep your roses well watered at the roots. Avoid watering the leaves of the plant. Give rose bushes plenty of room for ventilation when planting. The sulfur and fungicidal soap spray is also effective when applied while roses are dormant. Well-aerated soil is crucial for prevention of rust. Immediately remove any rust-damaged leaves from the ground. Do not work in a wet garden, or you may spread rust spores around even more.


Treatment for all three diseases is the same. First, remove the diseased leaves from the plant and prune any damaged branches. Remove the pruned matter from your garden so that the spores do not have a chance to migrate back to the bushes. Spray bushes every few weeks with fungicidal soap. You can also purchase disease-resistant plants.

Chemical-Free Spray

RoseMagazine.com offers a good recipe for your own disease-fighting spray: 1 medium onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, crushed 1/2 jalapeno pepper 1 1/2 tsp baking soda 1 or 2 drops dish-washing liquid Steep garlic, onion and pepper in warm water for one hour. Strain through cheesecloth and retain liquid. Add baking soda. Dilute into spray bottle with 1 part liquid and 4 parts warm water. Mist plants with mixture.

Plants That Flower


Roses are a flowering plant, which happens to also be a perennial. A perennial plant is one that lives at least three years, with new growth annually. Most people love roses and think of them as a romantic flower. There are three specific types of roses, with many categories and varieties under each. Wild roses are mainly considered wildflowers and can be spotted on rocky slopes, forests and clearings along the roadway. The Rosa carolina, a wild rose species, has large pink blooms. Old garden rose is a name given to any rose species that is a non-hybrid, cultivated before 1867. The Alba rose, for example, is most reminiscent of castle gardens in the Middle Ages. It is fragrant and found in white and light pink. The last type of rose is the modern garden rose. These are hybrids created after 1867. The hybrid tea rose is an example of a modern garden rose. It is a classic rose cut for vases and arrangements, as it has a long stem with a single flower per stem.

Crepe Myrtle

Most trees produce some sort of flower; this is how they reproduce. However, when you refer to flowering trees, you probably think of the showy blooms of ornamentals.One of the favorites is the crepe myrtle. It prefers a warmer climate of USDA hardiness zone 7 and higher (see Resources). Not only is it a fast growing tree, but surprises its owner with rich, thick blooms of white, red, pink or purple. The hybrid crepe myrtle varieties bloom longer than the heirloom trees. The Muskogee crepe myrtle blooms for 120 days. It grows to a height of up to 25 feet. Plant these in groupings for a spectacular array of lavender blooms. A smaller crepe myrtle variety is the Pink Velour crepe, growing to 10 feet. It has bright pink blossoms. It's one of the easy-to-grow crepe myrtles, and is drought-resistant. For a shock of bright red flowers, choose the Arapaho crepe myrtle. It will grow to a height of 25 feet, blooming spring through fall.


Azaleas are one of the most popular flowering bushes. They are referred to as the "royalty of the garden." There are thousands of varieties, allowing most southeastern locations the opportunity to grow this great beauty. They also grow well along the Pacific coast. Most of the azalea varieties are unable to withstand temperatures below -10 degrees F. There are plants within the azalea family that are evergreen (keeps leaves year-round) and deciduous (loses leaves in winter). Most popular are the evergreens. The funnel-shaped flowers are so full and color-spectacular during blooming, usually spring. Azalea varieties come in white, pink, lavender, red, yellow, apricot, salmon and orange. These flowering bushes can grow from 4 to 6 feet. The hardiest are Gable hybrid varieties. A rarity, the Robin Hill azaleas can withstand temperatures to -30 degrees F and up to 100 degrees

Designing Cutting Gardens


Designing a cutting garden is a great activity for those long, cold winter nights. As you peruse seed catalogs, it is easy to imagine the colors and textures of beautiful annual flowers, but until you put that plan down on paper and plant the garden, it remains only a dream. Planning a cutting garden isn't difficult, but it does take some research. You'll need to have an idea of what seedlings are typically available in your area, you'll need to order seeds for those plants you wish to include in your cutting garden and you'll need time for the seeds to grow into seedlings.

Step 1

Do your research. Some web sites allow you to look at the flowers and the variety of colors available and will tell you how high the plant grows. (See resources.) Height is important if your cutting garden backs up to a fence or a building because you want the tallest plants in the back where they won't hide the lower flowers in the front. Make lists of what you want.

Step 2

Draw out sections on your graph paper. Cutting gardens look best if they are not grown in perfect rows. Place the taller flowers in the rear, or in the middle if the garden will be viewed from all sides. Use colored pencils to help you "see" what the garden would look like. Your plan can include perennials and bulbs as well. Spring flowering bulbs like daffodils and tulips must be planted in the fall, so factor this into your plan. Keep in mind that perennials can spread each year and take up more and more of your cutting garden.

Step 3

Play around with your design. Will you have blooms all at the same time or are they spread out to give you blooms from spring to fall?

Step 4

Look at your plan and decide which plants you are likely to be able to buy at the local grower and which ones you will need to start yourself from seeds. The information about when you should plant the seeds will be included in the plant description, as well as other important information about the plant. Order your seeds as soon as you can to avoid the dreaded "backorder."

Step 5

Consider using summer bulbs such as dahlias and gladioli. They can make a huge visual impact not only in your cutting garden but in a vase as well.

Step 6

Plan your border, if the area isn't already bordered. Visit to the local home improvement store to check out the right materials for your garden.

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